Other treatment methods
INPP method & CFR method
In addition to the methodology of American chiropractic, we also use other established practices that have become established in international specialist circles for the treatment of certain symptoms.
Of course, only specialists in our practice use these methods who have successfully completed the relevant training courses and seminars.
Two examples of this are the so-called INPP method and the CFR method (Cranial Facial Release).
The application of the IPP method
We use the INPP method (INPP is the abbreviation for Institute for Neuro-Physiological Psychology), for example, if a child has noticeable difficulties in learning to write, read and calculate or has noticeable problems in the areas of gross motor skills, fine motor skills or of balance. Such learning and behavioral problems often only become apparent at the start of the school career. Despite unremarkable development and supposedly “normal” intelligence, problems and difficulties arise as the demands on the child increase. Typical symptoms are, for example, not being able to sit still, leaning on your elbows on the table when studying or writing, often being unfocused, and a tendency to be anxious or outbursts of anger.
Using the INPP review methodology, we can determine the root cause of these issues. Often these are residual reactions of early childhood reflexes. With a regular exercise program, we can successfully treat these neuromotor developmental delays. Our exercises for promoting neurophysiological development are suitable for children and young people from the age of around 5 years. In this movement program, the children go through their individual early motor development steps in a targeted manner. This creates a stable foundation to be able to fully use their physical and cognitive potential. With the INPP method, we work directly on the causes of the problems instead of just alleviating a few symptoms and give the children the opportunity to use the exercises they have learned to accelerate and intensify the success of the treatment independently and at home.
We specialize in the following manual American and pediatric chiropractic techniques:
Treatment of neuronal and structural disorders in the area of the skull
The skull is not a one-piece shell, but consists of 22 different bones that correspond to each other in 64 places. These bones move during breathing, for example, so fixation within the skull leads to various chronic and neurological disorders that conventional treatments cannot resolve.
The aim of the CFR technique is to release these fixations with the help of a balloon that is inserted through the nose and to restore the mobility of the cranial bones. Common causes of cranial disorders are trauma of all kinds, disorders of the jaw joint, grinding teeth, etc. The pituitary gland, which is responsible for some of the most important bodily functions, functions normally again by reducing tension.
The treatment method has been used in the USA since the 1960s – the method is still relatively unknown in Europe. It has its roots in Dr. Richard Stober. The disorder of the skull is treated directly and therefore achieves stable success after just a few treatments.
When can Cranial Facial Release help?
CFR is not limited to the treatment of a specific disease, but can be applied in many ways. Patients who suffer from the following symptoms and clinical pictures, among others, can achieve success with CFR:
- respiratory disorders
- sinus problems
- Sleep apnea and nocturnal breathing pauses
- Displacement of the nasal septum
- migraine
- trigeminal neuralgia
- Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMD)
- Rotating and swaying vertigo
- ringing in the ears and tinnitus
- craniocerebral trauma
- in hormonal disorders
- as well as headaches
- Eye problems and vision impairments